Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.

Usage and Maintenance of Dental Chair Mounted Unit

The dental comprehensive treatment chair is one of the essential medical devices in the department of dentistry. The design of modern dental chairs mainly focuses on comfort, convenience, and hygiene, especially disinfection. The dental comprehensive treatment chair integrates water, electricity, and gas, and is generally divided into integrated and split types. The integrated dental chair is the main type, with distinctions between external and built-in ground boxes. Usage and daily maintenance of dental chair mounted unit will directly affect the intactness and service life of the equipment.

Installation Steps of the Dental Chair Mounted Unit

The dental comprehensive treatment chair is mainly composed of the patient chair, doctor chair, main and assistant control panels, operation light, side box, ground box, and foot pedal. Modern dental chairs are usually shipped after installation, so upon arriving at the clinic, generally only the operation light needs to be installed and connected to water, electricity, and gas.

When connecting water and air pipes, confirm the differences between them to avoid incorrect connections that may cause machine malfunction and affect its lifespan. Pipes with dials are usually pressure gauges connected to air pipes, while the other valve body is a water filter connected to tap water. After connecting water, electricity, and gas, the air pressure gauge showing air pressure reaching around 0.6Mpa indicates that you can start the overall machine debugging process.

When using it for the first time, lubricating oil needs to be dropped into the handpiece to avoid bearing damage, then adjust the air pressure knob corresponding to each rack to reach the appropriate working pressure. High-speed handpieces should maintain around 0.25Mpa, and low-speed handpieces should maintain around 0.3Mpa. The specific working air pressure can be fine-tuned according to the different handpieces being used.

Before starting to use the dental chair mounted unit, turn on the water, electricity, and gas, and check whether the ground box air pressure, water pressure, and overall dental chair circuit are normal. Before adjusting the handpiece, ensure the water source is turned on, then proceed with the corresponding adjustments. Generally, dental comprehensive treatment chairs on the market have two water source switches, both of which need to be simultaneously toggled to the same water source for the tool tray to use water normally. Adjust the working air pressure of the handpiece to the appropriate position using the corresponding diaphragm valve switch: around 0.25Mpa for high-speed handpieces and around 0.3Mpa for low-speed handpieces. After adjusting the air pressure, adjust the corresponding water fine-tuning switch to appropriately control the water flow size.

Foot pedals are divided into round foot pedals (standard) and multifunctional foot pedals. Using multifunctional foot pedals requires attention, as the water and air output of the handpiece is more flexible; stepping on the corresponding switch will output air or water. The debris blow-off valve is used to empty the waste water and air in the handpiece tube after work. After understanding and completing all function adjustments, the unit can be officially put into use.

Daily Maintenance of the Dental Chair Mounted Unit

The dental comprehensive treatment chair is an indispensable equipment in dental treatment, integrating water, electricity, and gas, and is used frequently. Therefore, daily maintenance is especially important, directly related to the service life and intactness of the dental chair's functions.

On the dental chair, the handpiece is used the most, so special attention must be paid to its maintenance. After each work session, turn off water, electricity, and gas, then use the handpiece tube or three-way syringe to empty any remaining water and air in the pipeline. The same operation should be done on the assistant's control panel to avoid issues like pipeline rupture caused by continuous high-pressure conditions.

After using the high-suction and low-suction systems, at least five cups of purified water should be sucked in to clean the pipeline, preventing valve or pipe blockages. The spittoon should be continuously flushed for three minutes.

Dental chairs on the market work by motor to achieve seat up-and-down and forward-and-backward movements. It is necessary to regularly check the motor function for proper operation, and adding appropriate lubricating oil can ensure normal operation of the electric hydraulic sensor.

The maintenance of the dental comprehensive treatment chair mainly focuses on water and air aspects. After each session, turn off water, electricity, and gas, then use the handpiece tube or three-way syringe to empty any remaining water and air in the pipeline. The same operation should be done on the assistant's control panel to avoid pipeline issues.

Through proper installation and daily maintenance, the dental chair mounted unit can achieve optimal performance in dental treatments, extending the equipment's service life and ensuring smooth procedures.

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